Sunday, May 20, 2012

Primero Dia

Today is my first full day in Quito.  Yesterday was a long day of travel, but it was very smooth.  I traveled with one of my classmates from Central, Chelsea.  We were both very anxious!  At the airport we met other Central students traveling to Costa Rica for the summer.  We also met a retired missionary who has been working in Quito for a long time.

We arrived in the airport late at night where we were greeted by Veronica.  She works at the University with the exchange students.  She introduced us to our host families and we were on our way!  I was picked up my Nicole.  She is my host sister and is a veterinarian.  She works long hours so she doesn't get to spend much time at home.  My host mom, Mami Sandy, is very welcoming.  Her daughter describes her as "super hippie" and she describes herself as a "clown".  As she was telling me the rules of the house, I thought this one summed them all up.  "There is always enough food for one more person." She loves people and makes a point to make sure we are all welcome.  I really admire that.  In the states the only pets I owned was a hamster and bird.  My house here has multiple dogs, a rabbit, and a turtle! It might take some adjusting, but the pets all very fun and I'm warming up to them already.

Because of Quito's altitude, I find myself being short of breath very easily.  Unpacking my suitcases, washing the dishes, even as I am sitting and writing this! It will only take a few days for my body to adjust, but it is a little weird still.  

Today is Mami Sandy's birthday! She is having some people over tonight and she said she would teach me how to cook!  My cooking skills are very poor so I'm not sure she knows what she's getting herself into, but I am so excited! 

Here are some pictures of my new room! :)

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